AHHA is extremely grateful for our in-kind supporters as they are critical to our efforts to carry out humanitarian work



The following items have been requested by the AHHA medical team for the 2019 field trip to Vietnam & Cambodia in August. We hope you can help grant some of these vital wishes. 


Wish 1. Operating Microscope: $20,000 - two needed.

Wish 2. B-Scanner: $10,000 - one needed.

Wish 3. Autorefractor - Keratometer: $12,000 - one needed.

Wish 4. Slit Lamp: $10,000 - two needed.

Wish 5. I-care Tonometer: $5,000 - two needed.


If you're interested in donating these items, have medical/pharmaceutical supplies or equipment you wish to donate or would like to have more details. Please contact us +61 2 9724 1164 or email us.

The cost of the medical equipment is an accurate estimate of the purchase price at the time of publication. The actual cost of equipment may be different at the time of purchase, Any shortfall in the cost will be paid by AHHA. Any surplus will be treated as a donation to AHHA and will be used to financially support the organisation. 

All donated medicine must have at least 1 year expiry date at the field trip departure date and sealed in its original package.